*评价标准:JCR 5%以内,IF 10以上,2021年10月至2022年9月论文
•Research Achievements. 研究成果
- Reducing Customer-Directed Deviant Behavior: The Roles of Psychological Detachment and Supervisory Unfairness 「JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT」
- E-mail. chankyungpak@knu.ac.kr / pakchank.com
- Homepage.
- Lab.
- University. 社會科學大學
- Department. 媒體傳播學科
- Major. 計算社會科學
Research Achievements. 研究成果
- Correcting Sample Selection Bias of Historical Digital Trace Data: Inverse Probability Weighting (IPW) and Type II Tobit Model 「COMMUNICATION METHODS AND MEASURES」
Research Achievements. 研究成果
- Prices of derivative warrants considering their market characteristics and short-selling costs of underlying assets 「FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS」
- E-mail. sungmookchoi@knu.ac.kr
- Homepage.
- Lab.師範大 501號
- University.師範大學
- Department.英語敎育科
- Major.應用言語學
Research Achievements. 研究成果
- Using eye-tracking to examine the role of first and second language glosses 「LANGUAGE TEACHING RESEARCH」
- E-mail. sgsong@knu.ac.kr / pakchank.com
- Homepage.
- Lab.Lab. of Service Experience Design
- University.生态环境学院
- Department.观光学系
- Major.Hospitality Service / Service Experience Design
Research Achievements. 研究成果
- Observing disability inclusion in service provision 「Annals of Tourism ResearchS」